Just as there is no one way to fabricate a metal part, there is no one way to conduct a meeting to discuss how a metal part may be made.
The production meeting is as ubiquitous as the sheet metal delivered to the shop each morning. Every shop needs to know what is happening for that day if the right parts are to be delivered on time to the right customers.
Today lead times are incredibly tight, making almost every job a rush job. Employees are cross-trained, so they know what is going on not just in one particular department, but other areas of the shop. Enterprisewide software systems provide information to all the key players who have been granted access, leaving them with no excuse for not knowing what is happening on the shop floor.
The daily production meeting has morphed into something different for many shops. To illustrate that point, The FABRICATOR reached out to three shops to find out how they keep information flowing about production flow—outside of a traditional daily meeting.