An industrial environment with no control cabinets is barely imaginable. They perform a wide variety of functions: They are used as a space for mounting components to protect them against dirt, dust and moisture. They also provide heat dissipation, EMC shielding and contact protection.
Audio equipment refers to devices that reproduce, record, or process sound. This includes microphones, radio receivers, AV receivers, CD players, tape recorders, amplifiers, mixing consoles, effects units, headphones, and speakers.
Solar dryer is another technology to harness the solar energy that is used to dry fruits, vegetables, and crops for preservation. Solar dryers are of two types: direct and indirect. In direct solar dryers, the substance that is to be dehydrated is exposed to the sunlight in a vast field. Indirect solar dryers consist of an insulated box coated inside with a black absorption surface, an air inlet and an air outlet, and a single- or double-glazed glass.